Fuel Doctor Frequently Asked Questions

Fuel Doctor Frequently Asked Questions2020-04-01T10:26:38+10:00

Got Questions? Want to know how to use Fuel Doctor, who makes it, how it works, why do you need it, or see it live in action? Our Frequently Asked Questions below are full of the answers you’re looking for, including information on our shipping, warranty, and returns policies.

We update these FAQ often, but if you can’t find what you need, please contact us.

What is Fuel Doctor?2020-05-12T01:18:41+10:00

Fuel Doctor is a 100% Australian made fuel conditioner originally formulated to clean all types of fuel in inaccessible industrial underground storage tanks. As such, it is effective in all diesel, petrol, and two-stroke fuel systems.

How much does International Shipping of Fuel Doctor cost?2023-05-30T11:33:02+10:00

International shipping costs will vary depending on your location and how much Fuel Doctor you would like to order. However for small orders, the international shipping cost generally is more than the product itself. Please bear this in mind before requesting a quote, as finding a range of suitable shipping services for you can be a time consuming process.

While we can and have shipped to many countries around the world, we’re not experts on your local requirements for import and use of fuel additives. Before making an order, we suggest you first check with your local department of Customs and any fuel regulators as to the legalities of importing and using Fuel Doctor. The Fuel Doctor Safety Data Sheet (SDS) will help with your enquiries. This is to ensure you aren’t breaking any local laws by importing or using the product, as some countries have strict laws regarding the usage of fuel additives.

As we can’t advise on your local laws, all liability and responsibility is on the purchaser with regards to international shipping, customs, and usage of the product once it leaves our premises. Once you are satisfied with the above, we can send you pricing and process an order for you via email and invoice via PayPal. Completely filling out and submitting the form on our International Orders page will give us all the information we’ll need to get your order underway, and we’ll contact you via email to assist and process your order.

Which Fuel Doctor sizes should I order?2023-06-05T12:58:35+10:00

Most people underestimate the amount of product required for shock treatments and ongoing maintenance, so order more than you think you’ll need. Fuel Doctor does not expire or degrade so will last indefinitely in a well sealed bottle. So we generally advise ordering a selection of sizes depending on what you’re treating.

For small orders, the international shipping cost generally is more than the product itself. Please bear this in mind before requesting a quote, as finding a range of suitable shipping services for you can be a time consuming process.

We generally advise ordering a selection of sizes depending on what you’re treating.

  • 250ml are great for ongoing maintenance and dispensing into deep filler necks.
  • 1 Litre is a great dispenser for boats, trucks, and machinery where the filler is clear and accessible.
  • 5 Litre is great for dispensing into small-to-medium sized storage tanks and large vessel/machine tanks.
  • 25 Litre is most convenient for bulk usage or re-filling smaller bottles as it has a tap supplied with the cube.

For more information see our article: How To Use Fuel Doctor or please contact us to discuss how much Fuel Doctor you may need to order.

Fuel Doctor 250ml Bottles

The Fuel Doctor 250ml bottles are great for ongoing maintenance and dispensing into deep filler necks. Perfect to carry with you in the car, 4WD, or motorbike. Also great around home for the lawnmower, chainsaw, generator, and line-trimmer.

These are available as single bottles or in a carton of 10.

1 Litre is a great dispenser for boats, some 4WDs, trucks, and machinery where the filler is clear and accessible. The XXml chamber is designed for easy measuring of how much Fuel Doctor to use.

These are available as a single bottle or in a carton of 10.

The Fuel Doctor 5 Litre is great for dispensing into small-to-medium sized storage tanks and large vessel/machine tanks.

This size is available in either a single bottle or a carton of 3.

The Fuel Doctor 25 Litre Cube is most convenient for bulk usage or re-filling smaller bottles as it has a tap supplied with the cube.

These are available singularly however bulk discounts are available if ordering 4 or more.

*Because of the individual weight of this product we must freight this item as Australia Post will not handle items over 20kg for international postage. 

Fuel Doctor 25 Litre International Orders
What does Fuel Doctor do?2020-05-12T01:22:54+10:00

Put simply… Fuel Doctor cleans and protects your entire fuel system while giving optimum combustion and minimum pollution every time you use it. And, as an added bonus, it will also stabilise and extend the life of fuel in storage tanks or jerry cans for up to 5 years.

For more details, please see: “How does Fuel Doctor work?

How does Fuel Doctor work?2023-05-30T11:30:31+10:00

Fuel Doctor Fuel Conditioner is a proprietary formula of oxygenated molecules, which work to break down fuel contaminants (such as water and fungal material) into sub-micronic particles, and emulsifiers which take those particles and disperse them into the fuel. These particles are then able to pass through your fuel system, without causing any harm to your fuel pump or injectors. It helps to protect your engine by lubricating any microscopic solid particles which are then able to pass through your fuel system and upper engine.

It will also dissolve carbon, gum, varnish, and other built-up contaminants in your fuel lines, fuel pumps, carburettors, injectors, and on valve faces, taking them through combustion safely.

Fuel Doctor is unlike any other fuel additive, because it’s used by the Fuel Doctors every day as a tool of trade so you can trust that it works.

Can I see Fuel Doctor work?2020-05-12T01:06:34+10:00
What is “dirty fuel”?2020-05-12T01:04:38+10:00

Dirty fuel is any fuel with contaminants in it. This means that almost all fuel is “dirty”. Around 80% of underground fuel tanks have water in them. Water provides the oxygen source for fungal spores (Cladosporium resinae) to grow and consume their favourite food—the hydrocarbons in fuel. Water from condensation also promotes flash rusting of underground tanks, which flakes off into the fuel, unleashing abrasive particles.

When a road tanker delivers fuel to your local service station, it fills their underground tanks at 800-1000 litres per minute, stirring up the existing debris and agitating the contaminants in the tank, mixing them into the fuel. As a result, you can never be sure what contaminants are in the fuel you buy.

If you buy any amount of fuel any time up to two days after a road tanker has filled a service station’s underground tanks, you run a high risk of the fuel being contaminated.

The immediate danger period after a tanker refill varies depending on ambient temperature and the degree of contamination already in the tank, but it’s usually 2-4 hours in summer and 4-12 hours in winter.

Many consumers are lucky and never fill up in the post-fill danger period. But every time you buy fuel, you have the potential to introduce these unseen contaminants into your fuel system.

Fuel Doctor is the simple, inexpensive answer to this problem, and provides a high level of quality assurance for any amount of fuel you put in your car (or other vehicles and machinery).

Where does dirty fuel come from?2020-05-12T01:11:43+10:00

Any underground storage tank from any commercial service station, industrial storage facility, or private tanks. The dirty fuel coming from your storage tank can be minimised by treating your fuel with Fuel Doctor before use. If you need any assistance with fuel storage tanks, contact the Fuel Doctors™ directly.

What does dirty fuel look like compared to clean fuel?2020-05-12T00:54:25+10:00

In this video short from Fuel Doctors™ and 4WD Action, Jock empties the fuel tank of a 4WD that has an obvious fuel issue where the diesel is emulsified with water and other contaminants. Watch as Steve from Fuel Doctors™  turns the test sample into clean fuel and then puts it straight into his own $200,000 dollar Range Rover and takes it for a drive.

Where do contaminants come from?2020-05-12T01:13:20+10:00

The main contaminants of fuel are water, fungal material, and rust. There is residual water in all underground tanks from new, and various factors such as engineering, maintenance, and environmental issues can cause more water to enter under/above-ground fuel tanks. Fungal material comes from spores (mainly Cladosporium resinae) that can enter the tanks any time they are opened, filled, cleaned, etc., via the breather systems that are always open. As a side effect of water contamination, rust is formed when steel and iron components inside fuel storage tanks are also exposed to air—every time the tank isn’t completely full.

While your vehicle’s fuel filter is designed to capture solids like rust and dirt particles over a certain size (usually between 2-30 microns, depending on your filter), and specialised filters can separate some water from fuel, they will generally only trap small amounts before they become overwhelmed. As for emulsified fuel and water, unfortunately the majority of filter/separators can’t tell the difference between this and clean fuel.

These are the situations where Fuel Doctor is the perfect solution.

Why don’t service stations filter their fuel?2020-05-12T01:17:53+10:00

Service stations do have particulate filters to protect their pumps from rust and other solids. However, these filters do not remove water from fuel, nor do they filter fungal material or microscopic particles of rust, because many of these contaminants are smaller than the micron-rating of service station filters.

Is dirty fuel more common in old or new tanks, cities or country towns, big name stations or independents?2020-05-12T01:16:13+10:00

Dirty fuel is endemic to the industry and as such can be found in any tank, regardless of size, age, or the company who owns them.

What signs of contaminated fuel are there at service stations?2020-05-12T01:17:47+10:00

Unfortunately, there are no signs that you are buying contaminated fuel, as the Australian fuel industry removed fuel sight glasses way back in 1986. These sight glasses were used to display the fuel as you were pumping it, so you could check the quality of the fuel you were buying. Due to their removal, most people now have no idea what clean fuel even looks like, so are unable able to assess the quality of the fuel they are buying.

How do I know if I have contaminated fuel?2020-05-12T01:18:30+10:00

Unfortunately, the first sign you’ll see if you’ve bought contaminated fuel is after the damage has already been done to your fuel system. This damage could be in the form of poor engine performance, lowered fuel efficiency, sooty exhaust, or (if you’re one of the many unlucky ones) the need to replace your injectors, fuel pump, or other engine components.

What kind of damage can dirty fuel do?2020-05-12T01:16:10+10:00

First and foremost, dirty fuel can cause damage to your fuel system and engine components simply by passing through the system. Microscopic particles of dirt and grime can clog fuel filters and injectors, reducing engine efficiency and ruining the injector spray pattern. Water is vaporised as it passes through the injectors, causing damage to the injector tips, which also ruins the injector spray pattern. In addition, water in your fuel creates the perfect environment for fungi to grow, feed, and defecate throughout your fuel system.

These abrasive contaminants then pass through the system, causing additional, unnecessary wear and tear on the components, which in turn reduces their lifespan and costs you more for repairs and replacements.

Why is dirty fuel more dangerous to new common rail diesel engines?2020-05-12T01:06:36+10:00

The introduction of common rail direct injection in diesel engines has created more opportunities for gum and varnish deposits to form and cause problems with fuel flow, injector spray patterns, and fuel atomisation. The higher pressure also makes it more dangerous for water and other microbial contaminants to pass through the system as they can no longer be simply burned off with a hard run of the engine, nor can the engine be de-coked by pouring water into the carburettor, as with older engines. By comparison, common rail direct injection systems will fail if exposed to less than a shot glass (30ml) of water.

Can Fuel Doctor be used in petrol and diesel?2023-05-30T11:27:41+10:00

Fuel Doctor Fuel Conditioner can be used with all petrol and diesel fuels, with absolutely no detrimental effects to the associated engines or fuel systems.

In fact, the manufacturers, Fuel Doctors™, have never seen any adverse effects from using Fuel Doctor with other fuels such as two-stroke, E10, E85, Methanol, and Avgas. And it’s perfectly fine to use Fuel Doctor with dual fuel vehicles that use petrol or diesel with LPG.

AdBlue® is also not affected by the use of Fuel Doctor.

What kind of vehicles or machinery can Fuel Doctor be used in?2020-05-12T01:21:39+10:00

Fuel Doctor Fuel Conditioner can be used in any vehicles or machinery that run on diesel, petrol, or two-stroke fuel. Anything from commercial bus fleets, massive mining machinery, and super-yachts to personal watercraft, household mowers, and chainsaws.

Why do I need Fuel Doctor?2020-05-12T00:58:45+10:00

The potential for purchasing contaminated fuel is always present. An alarming amount of fuel storage tanks have some form of contamination or “dirty fuel”. How much and whether it will affect your vehicle depends on a lot of factors: age of the tank, lack of appropriate maintenance, temperature, volume of residual water, where the fuel came from, how long it’s been there, and of course when the tank was last filled. Because you can’t see what goes into your fuel tank, you run the risk of transferring contaminants into your fuel system and causing damage to your engine, every time you fill up.

If you value optimal performance from your vehicle and longevity of your engine, and don’t want the expense of replacing prematurely corroded and damaged components, then you need to use Fuel Doctor to treat and maintain your vehicle’s fuel system.

How do I use Fuel Doctor?2022-12-08T18:05:38+10:00

For cars, trucks, and busses, the recommended “shock treatment” of Fuel Doctor is: 500ml per 100L (max) fuel tank. Vehicles with an excess of 100,000kms should shock treat two or three tanks, prior to moving on to maintenance treatments.

For example, if you have a 72L fuel tank and your car has travelled under 200,000kms, you would need to use 500ml of Fuel Doctor in a full tank of fuel TWICE before moving on to the maintenance treatments.

The recommended maintenance treatment ratio of Fuel Doctor is 1ml per 1L of fuel. So for example if you topped up with 25L of fuel, you would need to add at least 25ml of Fuel Doctor to your tank, preferably before adding the fuel.

For marine applications you should double the shock treatment ratio. So, use 1L of Fuel Doctor per 100L of fuel. Repeated shock treatments may be required until your fuel runs clear in your fuel sight glass. Only move on to the maintenance treatments once your fuel appears clear.

The maintenance treatment ratio for marine applications is either: 50mls per 100L for working craft OR 100mls per 100L for recreational craft.

Note: severe contamination may require several shock treatments.

According to the Fuel Doctors, “over-treating” with Fuel Doctor Fuel Conditioner will have no detrimental effects to fuel system components.

If you have any questions or concerns you can always call Bright Viper on +61 491 626 016 or Fuel Doctors direct on 1800 675 077.

Why do I need to keep using Fuel Doctor?2023-05-30T11:27:16+10:00

Fuel Doctor only treats the fuel you put it in, so when you buy more fuel, you are potentially introducing a new batch of dirty fuel into your system. Using the recommended maintenance treatment of Fuel Doctor every time you add fuel prevents the unwanted and costly side effects of putting dirty fuel through your car’s engine and fuel system.

Can I use “too much” Fuel Doctor?2023-05-30T11:29:27+10:00

Due to its unique formulation, using “too much” Fuel Doctor (i.e., using more than the recommended shock or maintenance treatment) will not harm your engine or fuel system. In fact, Steve from Fuel Doctors suggests that using a little more is far more beneficial than using a little less.

Will Fuel Doctor damage my engine?2020-05-12T01:19:07+10:00

Fuel Doctor is specifically formulated to do no harm to your tanks, engines, and fuel system components. In fact, one of its primary goals is to add lubrication to your fuel, which reduces pump, injector, and engine wear.

I already have a fuel filter, what can Fuel Doctor do for me?2022-12-13T10:43:05+10:00

We recommend fitting additional pre-filtration units to all systems. Fuel filters, both standard and aftermarket, play a vital role in keeping your fuel system and engine healthy, and help protect them from foreign matter in your fuel. The reality is though, most fuel filters are designed to filter out solid matter (rust, dirt, and debris) to a certain micron rating. Some have water separators that are great for small amounts of free water, but most have some major fail points.

Water is not a solid and will pass straight through most units that are filters alone. The majority of water separating filters will separate free water but are overwhelmed quickly as they have small catch areas. Without an alarm system, this may make the discovery of water all too late for your engine. The biggest fail point (the one manufacturers don’t tell you about) is that almost all water separating filters on the market today can not separate water once it is emulsified with fuel.

That’s right, the milky emulsification of water with fuel can do exactly the same damage as free water, but many filters cannot distinguish between that and clean fuel and will pass it through to your pump and injectors as if nothing was wrong at all. This is where Fuel Doctor excels and offers you the protection needed to maintain a healthy fuel system and engine.

What are the benefits of Fuel Doctor?2020-05-12T01:19:20+10:00

The benefits of Fuel Doctor include:

  • Dispersing water and fungal material from dirty/contaminated fuel
  • Lubricating microscopic solid matter that escapes the fuel filter, to allow them to pass through the fuel system safely
  • Lubricating the entire fuel system and reducing engine component wear
  • Cleaning and preventing gum, varnish, carbon deposits, and other particulate build up in fuel lines, carburettors, injectors, and valve faces
  • Minimising exhaust gas recirculation soot deposits
  • Maintaining fuel quality
  • Providing optimised combustion
What is lubricity and why do I need it in my fuel?2020-05-12T01:22:19+10:00

Lubricity is the measure of how much a lubricant reduces friction and/or wear and tear on components of, in this case, your engine and fuel system. When lubricity is too low, the components rub together with more force (friction) causing increased wear and damage, resulting in premature parts replacement and higher services costs.

As fuel pressures, running temperature, and performance of engines has increased, so has the need for higher lubricity to ensure that all the required components operate at full efficiency.

Adding the recommended amount of Fuel Doctor to your fuel will ensure you have a high level of lubricity in your fuel system which can extend the life of those components.

Is Fuel Doctor good value for money?2020-05-12T00:51:09+10:00

When considering the cost of replacement injectors, fuel pumps, and other components, Fuel Doctor is very good value for money as it can prevent damage to these components and extend their service life. When compared to other fuel additives, not only does it treat dirty fuel better, but at recommended treatment rates, Fuel Doctor has been the most cost-effective product in its class for many years.

Who makes Fuel Doctor?2020-07-15T17:21:12+10:00

Established in 1994, and 100% Australian owned and operated, Fuel Doctors™ specialise in cleaning fuel tanks. Many of the commercial underground storage tanks they were contracted to clean, had no physical access points, so they needed to develop a new method of tank cleaning.

This led to the creation of the Fuel Doctor Fuel Conditioner, the industry leading product which has been used in emergency generators, service stations, marinas, agricultural machinery, and all manner of vehicles for more than twenty-five years and has sold more than 1 million litres worldwide.

Researched, developed, tested, and used on a daily basis all in-house by the Fuel Doctors™ makes the Fuel Doctor Fuel Conditioner product unique in the industry and allows them to guarantee that, when used as directed, Fuel Doctor will do no harm to your engine or fuel systems.

Why should I buy Fuel Doctor now?2022-12-08T18:05:18+10:00

Every time you fill up, you take the risk of dirty fuel causing damage to your fuel system. Each tank of fuel you buy could contain enough water to flood your common rail direct injection system, as it only takes around 30ml. Yes as little as a shot glass! That top up on the way home from the shops could have just enough water and contaminants in it to completely ruin your engine.

When comparing the price of Fuel Doctor to the replacement cost of fuel pumps and injectors, Fuel Doctor becomes essential in quality assuring every litre of fuel you buy.

Every tank of fuel is potentially adding to the existing gunge and muck in the bottom of your fuel tank and increasing the level of contamination in the fuel passing through your engine.

The best time to buy Fuel Doctor is yesterday. The next best time is now.

The sooner you treat and maintain your fuel tank and system with Fuel Doctor, the sooner you can prevent further damage from dirty fuel and fill your tank with the confidence of knowing you’re protected.

How much is shipping?2022-12-13T10:31:08+10:00

For all our single bottle and advertised package deals that include; 250ml, 1 Litre, 5 Litre, and 25 Litre sizes of Fuel Doctor, standard shipping anywhere in Australia is included in the price, so it costs you nothing extra.

If you need your Fuel Doctor quicker, we do have an Express Postage option at checkout for orders on the smaller 250ml, 1 Litre, and 5 Litre sizes. It’s only an extra $5.00 per item, even if the item is a package deal. For additional security we also offer an Express Postage plus signature on delivery service which costs $8.50 per item, even if the item is a package deal.

Please note: Unfortunately we are unable to offer the signature service on standard delivery. The Express Postage services are not available on the 25 Litre size as this is shipped via Road Freight not through the Australia Post service.

See our Shipping and Returns page or Terms and Conditions for more information.

For our larger, bulk packaged products, individual freight quotes are required at this time. Please contact us here to organise a quote for sending any large amount of Fuel Doctor to your area.

How long does shipping take?2022-12-12T23:39:46+10:00

We offer a variety of shipping solutions depending on order size, location of delivery and delivery cost. Our first option for smaller items is always Australia Post Parcel Standard, or Express where requested. However larger items and smaller items, where deemed more efficient may be sent via road freight.

For full details on our shipping and returns, costs and delivery estimates please see our Shipping and Returns page or Terms and Conditions.

What consumer guarantees does Fuel Doctor have?2020-07-01T07:11:11+10:00

Consumer Guarantees and Your Rights Under the Australian Consumer Law

Under the Australian Consumer Law, you have guaranteed legal rights for goods and services you purchase. These are called consumer guarantees. All goods sold in Australia come with guarantees that cannot be excluded under the Australian Consumer Law. You are entitled to a replacement or refund for a major failure and for compensation for any other reasonably foreseeable loss or damage. You are also entitled to have the goods repaired or replaced if the goods fail to be of acceptable quality and the failure does not amount to a major failure.

There are nine consumer guarantees that apply to goods you purchase:

  • Acceptable quality
  • Match description
  • Express warranties will be honoured
  • Fit for a particular purpose
  • Match the sample or demonstration model
  • Title to the goods
  • Undisturbed possession of the goods
  • No undisclosed securities on the goods
  • Spare parts and repair facilities will be available for a reasonable time after purchase

Consumer guarantees cannot be excluded and are in addition to any extended warranty you purchase or any voluntary warranty (warranty against defects) you are given. However there may be circumstances where you are not entitled to a remedy. Please read our terms and conditions and for further information about the Australian Consumer Law and consumer guarantees, visit www.consumerlaw.gov.au.

Can I cancel my order?2020-07-01T10:05:42+10:00

You can request the cancellation and refund of an order for any reason at any time prior to the order being packaged for delivery. Unfortunately, once the order is packaged, it cannot be cancelled and will be considered a return.

Due to these time constraints, it is recommended to make any cancellation enquiries over the phone on +61 491 626 016 during business hours, as we cannot guarantee that any other form of communication will be received prior to the order being packaged.

Please see our terms and conditions for further details.

What if I change my mind?2022-12-12T23:58:06+10:00

Please choose carefully as returns where you have changed your mind, made a wrong selection, requested order cancellation after the order has been packaged or shipped, or simply found the goods cheaper elsewhere, are only provided at our sole discretion and will be subject to a 20% restocking fee. This fee will be calculated on the order total minus GST but including shipping costs if applicable, that base fee will then have GST applied as legally required. We recommend you carefully preview any items before adding them to your shopping cart and proceeding with your order.

Please see our terms and conditions for further details.

What do I do if my item is damaged or faulty?2022-12-12T22:09:29+10:00

If any items in your order arrive damaged or are faulty, please fill in our returns request form with all relevant details of the order, delivery issue, and any photographic evidence you can provide.  Do not return the items without prior approval as any such returns will not be accepted.

Please see our terms and conditions or call us for further details.

How are refunds processed?2020-05-12T01:19:53+10:00

When refunds are approved, they will be processed as soon as possible and via the payment method used to complete your order, if that method is still available to us. If that method is no longer available, alternative arrangements will be made.

Please see our terms and conditions for further details.

Do You Know What’s In Your Fuel?

If you don’t, you need Fuel Doctor! Dirty fuel can cause damage to your fuel system and engine components simply by passing through the system. Fuel Doctor is an Australian made fuel conditioner that cleans and protects your entire fuel system. Don’t risk it… grab some today!

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